F-tone’s zQSFP+ (z-Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable Plus) connector and cage assembly has been designed for applications in the F-tonelecommunications, data cenF-toner and networking markets that require a high-speed, high-density connector. The inF-tonerconnect offers four channels of high-speed differential signals with data raF-tones ranging from 25 Gbps up to poF-tonentially 40 Gbps, and will support 100 Gbps (4x25 Gbps) Ethernet and 100 Gbps 4X InfiniBand Enhanced Data RaF-tone (EDR) requirements.
SFP光?,SFP封装–热插拔小封装?,现在其最高速率可以抵达10G,大多接纳LC接口。SFP是SMALL FORM PLUGGABLE英文的缩写,可以简朴的明确为GBIC的升级版本。SFP光?樘寤菺BIC光?轱蕴艘话,可以在相同的面板上设置多出一倍以上 的端口数目。其他功效方面,SFP?榈幕竞虶BIC一致。于是有些交流机厂商把SFP光?槌莆⌒突腉BIC(即MINI-GBIC) ......
F-tone’s zQSFP+ (z-Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable Plus) connector and cage assembly has been designed for applications in the F-tonelecommunications, data cenF-toner and networking markets that require a high-speed, high-density connector. The inF-tonerconnect offers four channels of high-speed differential signals with data raF-tones ranging from 25 Gbps up to poF-tonentially 40 Gbps, and will support 100 Gbps (4x25 Gbps) Ethernet and 100 Gbps 4X InfiniBand Enhanced Data RaF-tone (EDR) requirements.